Android Native App Development
When Android Native app development was born in 2003, its creators had digital cameras, not phones in mind. Essentially, Android’s main feature was improved connectivity between different devices such as cameras and PCs. Nearly 20 years later, Android’s versatility remains its biggest benefit and has made it the most popular mobile OS around the world.

Is Android Native App Development the right choice for you?
When it comes to making a decision between Android Native app development, and perhaps additional iOS native app development, versus commissioning a hybrid app, there is no one right answer.
So, how do you make the right decision? Here are some points to consider:
Who is in your audience
What is your capacity
What is important
Pros and Cons of Android App Development
Pros of Android
The Best Performance
Android Native app development is coded and optimized specifically for Android. Using its core programming languages and APIs. This results in an app that offers the highest levels of efficiency. As users navigate a mobile app created natively for Android the contents and visual elements are already stored on the phone so load times are faster, offering a seamless user experience.
Greater Security
Android Native app development offers better data protection and security.
More Interactive and Intuitive
Native Android mobile apps inherit their device’s OS interface, which makes them look and feel seamless with the device they are running on, creating a superior user experience. Android Native app development can also take better advantage of the hardware of the device including its camera, microphone, GPS, etc. and provide quicker loading times.
Cons of Android
Time and Cost Considerations
Boohoo App